1. The MCC (Mondial de Cursillo de Cristiandad) is a Church Movement and has, therefore, the same mission.
2. Its members are responsible for carrying out the mission of the Church according to the charisma of the MCC. The Pope helps us understand that saying clearly: "I encourage you and encourage you to go 'always further', to 'Leave your own comfort' and dare to reach all the peripheries that they need the light of the gospel."
3. To do this they must:
3.1. Understand the fundamental importance of their training for their task evangelization, to develop where the Lord has called to serve.
3.2. To commit - in this formation - the service structures of the MCC: National Secretariats, Diocesan Secretariats, Schools of Leaders, so that the global formation (human, Christian, methodological) reach all leaders, through the search and the use of all the available sources: Internet, documentation, books, etc.
3.3. Create the conviction that the MCC has to develop in the creative fidelity to his Original Charism, which has its lines perfectly clear basics in the third edition of Ideas Fundamentals
4. The development of this theme focuses on three key aspects: Training, Leader and Evangelization, and the main source of knowledge for addressing these three aspects will be IFMCC3 and the word of the Church in its documents.
5. We must, therefore, be very clear:
5.1. what is Formation;
5.2. who is a leader, a Christian leader, a leader Christian of the MCC;
5.3. what is Evangelizing.
6. We want to motivate ...
6.1. To the leader who, as a person, develops his natural qualities and seek to replace those that do not yet have ...
6.2. To the Christian leader, who seeks through reflection productive, understand the scope of his baptized vocation;
6.3. To the MCC leader who knows and practices literature indispensable for the MCC to remain what it is: a instrument of evangelization of the Church today
7. We need, as leaders, to assume commitments:
7.1. Towards the formation;
7.2. Towards an understanding of the role of the Leader;
7.3. Towards the mission of Evangelizing.
1. Training
1.1. The concept of formation comes from the Latin word formation. He is a term associated with the verb form - grant form to something, arrange a whole from the integration of their parts.
1.2. It is a broad concept and includes: personal, professional training, spiritual, Christian, etc. There is even talk of "training permanent "as a continuing educational process that allows improve and update knowledge, skills and abilities of a person.
1.3. Respect for Christian formation, it is clear that: "Every Christian It needs to be formed because the Christian faith has to do with the truth. The Christian has a double need for formation: one springs from the faith that wants to be understood and known as true, and another arises of the very human constitution that we are, that is, that our intelligence only rests in the ultimate joy of the truth discovered and reached. "(Catholic University of the SantÃsima Concepción, Concepcion, Chile)
2. Leader
2.1. A leader is someone who (according to the dictionary): straighten rightly something towards a designated term or place; guide, showing or giving the signs of a road; govern, advise, orient ...
2.2. A Christian leader has basically the task of forging the Christ's character in the lives of the people to whom he directs and guide them to a lifestyle according to God's will. Is chosen by God (John 15, 16), for the edification of the body of Christ and for the glory of his Name (Ephesians 4: 11-12).
2.3. The MCC leader is a leader because of his human qualities; he is a Christian leader because of his baptismal conviction; is someone that, acting alone or in community as a ferment of their environments; is someone who keeps the MCC alive, active and faithful to his own charisma.
3. Evangelization
3.1. In his innumerable reflections on the subject, Pope Francis says that Evangelization is "The announcement of the Gospel for today by the testimonies of life, rather than words, brought to the world by "credible" people, capable of speaking like Jesus the language of the mercy ... "(Audience to the participants of the plenary of the congregation for the New Evangelization, 15.10.2013).
III. PREACH / EVANGELIZE ... Now we need to ask ourselves - starting from the "ultimate goal" (the evangelizing task), and walking to the "prime purpose" (which is the formation of the agents of the evangelizing task) ...
1. What evangelizing task awaits us?
2. What leaders do we need to put into practice?
3. What is the necessary training for that task?
4. What are the necessary means to obtain it?
5. What are the structures that will make it possible?
6. What commitments should we assume to fulfill this task as responsible and duly trained leaders (with the media necessary, through our structures)?
1. We have to know, deepen, implement the Ideas Fundamentals of the MCC. It is the only book that can guarantee MCC's identity worldwide. The MCC has a vast literature, produced by dedicated authors and deep connoisseurs of the MCC. In each country, as a reflection of the local culture, these authors give a invaluable service to the MCC with his writings. But IFMCC is the book that allows the MCC to have unity in diversity ...
2. In the first and second editions, the book was presented in style of mosaic: the Commission was formed, one or two were attributed to each member chapters, was sent to the National Secretariats for suggestions and changes, was approved and published ... The result was that, while the content was very good, the presentation of the content did not facilitate the understanding and implementation.
3. Only in the third edition was it possible to transform IFMCC into a book which can be used as a manual, because of its characteristics: simplicity, pedagogical presentation, conciseness (the necessary, the essential), clarity ...
4. There is a beginning, middle and end ... There is a link between the chapters: Charisma originates a mentality, which suggests a strategy, and applied second a method, according to the same charism, allows the attainment of the purpose of the MCC, in its three stages, in the life of the Church, using a structure ...
5. The Mentality chapter is deeply related to what is expects and demands of the MCC leader as agent of the task evangelizer of the MCC.
5.1. The generic definition of mentality says that it is "a way of think, a perspective, a set of beliefs, ideas, attitudes and values ​​of a person, a culture or a society "(IFMCC 3, 64) ... When he talks about what it is to evangelize Pope Paul VI shows clearly that everything is based on the mentality, which should to be changed from within ... It's our mentality that makes us what we are: a person indifferent or concerned with the next; an honest or corrupt politician; a sincere leader or deceiver, etc.
5.2. The definition or description of the MCC mentality (IFMCC 3, 65-66) says that it contains "the irreducible core that identifies the MCC, the initial and direct expression of the Movement's charism ". What she "arises when the charism, gift of the Spirit, becomes life: a group of people, faced with a concrete reality, share a new way of thinking and acting. "
5.3. It can be affirmed that, if there are deviations and errors in the MCC, if the MCC does not achieve its purpose and is not a fantastic tool of evangelization today is only because its leaders do not they know, they do not live and they do not share their mentality.
1. The Cursillo Movement of Christianity has been defined as "a movement of the Church that, through its own method, makes possible the experience and the coexistence of the fundamental Christian, helps each person to discover and respond to their own personal vocation and promote the creation of groups of Christians that ferment the gospel the environments ". (Introduction of IFMCC, citing No. 2 of the Preamble of the Statute of the OMCC).
2. The IFMCC3 Glossary presents some vital comments so that we can better understand the definition of the MCC, and that they can summarize:
2.1. The MCC is a Church movement that has a method own and specific evangelizer, that is, a procedure that, by appropriately using certain resources and means, makes it possible to carry out its evangelizing mission and thus realize its purpose ...
2.2. ... coming to the environment, that social environment, made up of people, ideas, values ​​and circumstances that concur in a determined time and place, and that influence the way of being, of think and act of everyone.
2.3. The MCC aims to bring the Good News of God's love to all person - but especially the remote ones, which constituted, from the principles of the MCC, a preferential option among its recipients to evangelize - and form nuclei of Christians who transform their environment little by little by force of the testimony.
3. There are innumerable definitions of what Evangelizing is ... In 1975, Paul VI wrote the Evangelii Nuntiandi, presenting a description of what the Church should do through its agents of evangelization that It was, on the one hand, very modern and, on the other, perfect for our Movement.
4. Evangelizing means for the Church to bring the Good News to all environments of humanity and, with its influence, transform from within, renew humanity itself. But the truth is that there is no humanity new if there are not new men in the first place with the novelty of baptism and life according to the Gospel. The purpose of evangelization is therefore this internal change and, if it had to be summarized in one word, the best thing would be to say that the Church evangelizes when, by only divine force of the Message that proclaims, tries to convert to the same time the personal and collective conscience of men, the activity in that they are committed, their life and concrete environment. (EN 18)
5. For the Church, it is not just about preaching the Gospel in areas geographical areas or increasingly larger populations, but to reach and transform with the force of the Gospel the criteria of judgment, the determining values, the points of interest, the lines of thought, the inspiring sources and the models of life of the humanity, which are in contrast with the word of God and with the design of salvation. (IN 19)
6. The evangelizing task of the MCC leader is, therefore, very clear:
6.1. Bring the Good News to all environments.
6.2. Renew humanity from within.
6.3. Making the purpose of Evangelization possible, that is, by force of the proclaimed message, convert the personal and collective conscience of men, their activities, their lives and their environments
7. The evangelizing task of the MCC leader will be concretized completely and definitively, I think - when he achieves in himself and in others, reach and transform with the power of the Gospel:
7.1. The criteria of judgment,
7.2. The determining values,
7.3. Points of interest,
7.4. The lines of thought,
7.5. The inspiring sources
7.6. The models of life of humanity.
8. Do we understand well what it means to practice the no. 18?
8.1. Bring the Good News to all environments: Evangelization to Through what we say and do, it is a task of 24 hours a day ...
8.2. Renew humanity from within: this is conversion, work of all life, change of mentality.
8.3. Making the purpose of Evangelization possible: by force of proclaimed message, convert the personal and collective consciousness of men, their activities, their lives and their environments: that's what same as changing the world, from where we live, by way of ferment.
9. Do we understand well what it means to practice the no. 19? Reach and transform with the power of the Gospel:
9.1. The criteria of judgment: The world judges with social criteria, political, economic, philosophical, prejudiced, racist, excluding ... Transformed with the power of the Gospel, they will be criteria of: justice, respect, love, solidarity, welcome ...
9.2. The determining values: The determining values ​​of the world are: money, social position, possession of material goods, high positions in professional life ... Transformed with the force of Gospel, values ​​will become ... love to the next, humility, simplicity, joy, sharing, honesty, friendship ...
9.3. Points of interest: The world's points of interest are: fame, professional and social ascension, sports, fun, fashion ... Transformed with the power of the Gospel, the points of interest will become ... the needs of other people, others peoples, the good that one can do to the needy of the countries who are in conflict or in war, political commitment for a better world, in every way ...
9.4. The lines of thought: The lines of thought of the world they are ... me and my family in the first place, each take care of their problems and their needs, I do what I like, I'm not interested of others ... Transformed with the power of the Gospel, the lines of thought will be: I am brother of all men and
women of humanity, what the hungry suffer in Africa is my problem, if there is suffering here or there, it is suffering from Christ and, therefore, is my problem ...
9.5. Inspiring sources: The inspiring sources of the world are ... the event that leads to wealth, the professional competence that transforms men into magnates, the courses that promise unknown people can become celebrities ... Transformed with the power of the Gospel, the inspiring sources will be ... holiness, humility, prayer, reading the Word, the writings of those who dedicate themselves and dedicate to show the Way, Truth, Life ...
9.6. The models of life of humanity: The models of life of the humanity are ... soccer players, famous actors, politicians of international projection ... Transformed with the force of Gospel the models of life will be ... saints and saints known or anonymous people who gave their lives for humanity, be it through official martyrdom, either because his life was uncomfortable to the oppressors of its environment, men and women that nobody knows, but who help with his dark life to save lives ...
Maria Elisa Zanelatto
Cursillo no. 2 of Women, Diocese of Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil, January 20-23 1970 Secretary and National Vice President together with numerous Board of Directors. Responsible for many years for Alavanca Magazine of the National Secretariat. Representative of Brazil in Inter-American and World Meetings. Elected in the Fourth World Meeting (1988, Venezuela) to join the Commission of Drafting of the Second Edition of Fundamental Ideas. Secretary of the OMCC during the mandate of Brazil (2002-2005). Elected in the Forum of Presidents (2006, Colombia) to join the Commission of Drafting of the Third Edition of Fundamental Ideas. Responsible for the translation to the Brazilian Portuguese of IFMCC3. Effective collaborator in the writing of the MCC documents of Brazil. Vocal of Training and Studies, OMCC Mexico 2018-2021.