aoschoolofleadersApr 10, 201910 min readTRAINING OF THE LEADER: INDISPEN-SABLE CONDITION MCC* EVANGEL-IZING TASK - PT 1 - Maria ZanlottoI. INTRODUCTION 1. The MCC (Mondial de Cursillo de Cristiandad) is a Church Movement and has, therefore, the same mission. 2. Its members...
aoschoolofleadersFeb 7, 20196 min readConversationsIn our February Leaders School, we began the discussion of Ch 5: The Role of Cursillo Leaders. The sharing was so involved that the...
aoschoolofleadersFeb 5, 20191 min readRegion 7 Spring Encounter Save the Date! Before you know it, it will be time for our Spring 2019 Encounter, which will be held in Atlanta on April...
aoschoolofleadersFeb 5, 20191 min read2019 National Encounter – 75th Anniversary of the 1st Cursillo in Mallorca!The 29th National Encounter will be held on July 18-21, 2019 at the University of Scranton – a beautiful Jesuit University, which is...
aoschoolofleadersFeb 5, 20191 min readShare your storyThe first weekend in the Mobile Archdiocese occurred in 1980. The experience of some of these 'pioneer' cursillistas were shared in the...